The Silva Map Measurer is a tool used to measure distances on a map. To use it, you first need to set the scale of the map measurer to match the scale of the map you are using. You can do this by adjusting the distance between the two measuring points on the map measurer to match the distance between two points on the map that are known to be a certain distance apart.
Once you have set the scale, you can use the map measurer to measure the distance between any two points on the map. To do this, simply place one end of the map measurer at the starting point of the path you want to measure, and then trace the path with the other end of the measurer. The distance that the measurer covers is then displayed on the tool.
Product Specification
• Analog display – analog interface with 8 scales
• Scales – 1:15.000, 1:25.000, 1:50.000, 1:100.000, 1:200.000, 1:400.000 1:500.000 and 1:750.000
• Adds and subtracts distance